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School Announcement on LCCI Withdrawal

Dear students,

As what we understand that LCCI diplomas will be withdrawing in 2023. The last two series exams will be in Apr and Sep 2023.

You are the lucky ones who can still be able to obtain the valuable LCCI diploma before it’s gone. As the LCCI diplomas are well recongnised internationally and also favoured by Singapore employers.

School will continue to support you to prepare for your upcoming LCCI exams. We are now offering our students UNLIMITED ACCESS to all the classes and video recordings.

Grab the last chance to get your LCCI Diplomas!

By the way, School will launch ACCA programs soon, more exciting news will be announced in Dec 2022.

Thank you

The Management of Raffles Online Education


根据LCCI 的通告,LCCI 的文凭将在2023年撤销. 最后的两次考试在2023年4月和9月。

你们都是非常幸运的,还能在宝贵的LCCI 文凭消失前获得它。因为毕竟LCCI 是一张国际文凭,很受新加坡雇主的青睐。

学校会一如既往的支持学生们准备接下来的LCCI 考试。我们现在提供unlimited access to 课程和课程视频。

把握最后的机会拿到LCCI diploma,让我们一起加油!




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